"Ok I was told that by November, ICU, ER, Cath Lab, Chest Paincenter would all be on North. Snif, Dubuis/LTACH, and rehab will go to South. Pedi, which Christus spent a fortune renovating North's old ICU will now be bumped back up to 5th floor(where LTACH is now--more remodling!) and Day surgery (which Essent spent a small fortune on remodling North's old ER) will be put on 4th floor (rehab at the moment)And how much did they spend remodling South's ER? and now it's going to be moved north? Does anyone think ahead here?"
Essent just ran across the same thing that Christus did in the ER remodel: Load bearing walls between ER and Fastrack. So, now it moves to North. It might be the first intelligent move they've made...albeit somewhat late. However, all the physicians that have taken up shop by South are probably wondering why did they bother....
It does have room for expansion on the grounds (which everyone said years ago) and some aspects are better. And since they've driven off most of the patients, the space issue isn't as critical (something like when Presby jacked the rents on physician offices, thereby negating the need for expansion of the office space.)
And if they are going to have to update the Cath Lab, Xray, Lab, ICU, and the ER again, might as well do it at a facility that isn't landlocked.
Guess it took a physician to push a bit...seems a shame that others couldn't put aside their bickering and push things in the right direction....
Like I said; support Hashmi and stop your whinning!
The lab on the north campus was OK when it was just McCuistion, but too small for a combined facility. I can understand having peds down in the former north ICU- the old Gilmore pedi wing on 5 West was isolated from the rest of the populated units at the time. Moving it back won't break my heart one bit.
So now they will have critical patients on both sides. That is scarey!! Nursing has an issue staffing one side let alone two.
The ER on north side is roomier in comparison to that broom-closet-on-steroids on the south campus, but it could use several more treatment rooms. But now am I led to understand that both ICU and ER will be on north side? Why not just build another patient tower to tie onto the old McCusition building and be done with the south campus altogether?
ut to do that, it would take money, and that's one thing Hud has little of these days. Hmm....all of a sudden Hashmi looks promising.....
The cath lab on the North campus was a P.O.S. One room, could not do pacemakers due to the way it was arranged.
Talk about a broom closet-not even on steroids. I think my bathroom is probably bigger.
The other facilities at the north side were better. ER was better than south, and arranged much better even after we got the new ER.
But the Cath lab will need a massive overhaul to even get to par. That will require some massive bucks to fix. If they do decide to do that- I think it would be a good idea. I just hope they ask for staff to assist on arranging it for funtion.
Every bit of it will cost massive bucks so unless Hashmi is bankrolling it (and he'd be a fool to do so) it ain't gonna happen.
NashVegas doesn't have the BRAINS or the MONEY to straighten out the mess they have made at PRMC. At this point anyone with common sense would never get in bed with the devil. Dr. Hashmi is not going to be able to save the day.
Well Dr H, however humanely concerned with Paris healthcare, would be a fool to invest in a place where:
1) Essent won't back him.
2) Essent won't repay him.
3) Paris docs won't back him.
4) Paris citizens won't back him.
5) Paris city council won't back him.
In other words Dr H, you'd be standing buck nekkid in a stiff breeze.
Concerning #4--it's like what Mark Twain said about the cat that sat on a hot stove (I'm paraphrasing here) The cat won't sit on a hot stove again--and he won't sit on a cold one either!
One reason the South Campus was used as a primary care unit was the number of surgical suites--have they gotten rid of enough surgeons, patients, or staff to make the North work?
Without a physical plant expansion, it really doesn't seem like it is a workable solution. See that in the crystal ball?
Remember, this area supported about 360 active beds between the two--and they're going to make it with what, 165 or so? Somewhat of a come down!
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