Sign the paper, old man.... Let me preface, when I read the comment, all I could think of was Marty Feldman....
A lot of the problems stem from poor employee morale. The bully tactics used by administration do little to empower or encourage the staff. The forced signing of the "Nursing Standards of Excellence" if not signed by 3/10 it was considered termination (or voluntary resignation). A lot over a signature on something that some people may or may not have agreed with.
Especially with an already understaffed facility that is doing nothing to correct thiscritical problem - travelers, agency, etc.... Personally some of it was so trivial and more of it was just plain common sense/courtesy (let people off the elevator before boarding) or my favorite will make eye contact within 15 feet and again within 10 feet smile and creepy can this get...eyeballing me walking down the hallway.
Does it mean that someone will be fired for running down the hallway in an urgent situation and failing to speak the the other people in the hallway? If going on prmc history...that very well may be the case... you'vevoluntarily resigned by "not meeting the standards of excellence...see you signed the paper...." blow me prmc
Isn't it a shame that any business has to teach common courtesy to its staff? Emergencies excluded how much time does it take to say "Good Morning" or just "Hello" with a smile on your face, you would be supprised how much tension that relieves in both the patients and the staff. Plus it will put the patients on the staff's side in most cases.
Dictating rules of this kind are absurd, however, everyone should use them. Being over worked, tired, and just plain angry at the boss is no excuse to take it out on someone that is innocent of the problem. Cramming a patient in an elevator with a bunch of growling, snarling staff makes everyone uncomfortable,as well as passes this attitude on to those exposed to it. As I see it the most important objective of the STAFF is to put the patient at ease, reassuring them they will be getting better. Maybe I am just to old for todays employees, I was raised to say Yes Sir or No Sir, to open doors for ladies, I still tip my hat when lady passes by, it doesn't matter how busy I am or how much of a hurry I am in. If I didn't do these things when I was a kid my ears would ring for about 15 minutes.
I dont believe that any one should be forced, underduress to sign such a proclaimation. If I have learned anything in my life this type of document just makes things worse, either by people refusing to sign so they leave making the staff smaller, or by the company using it as a weapon against staff.
a better solution to the problem is for the staff to write their own code of ethics with the patients in mind, and living up to them. A board of pier review to address the complaints and or reports. UNTIL ALL STAFF UNITE AND FORM THEIR OWN GRIEVENCE BOARD YOU WILL HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE CURRENT SITUATION. Just remember no buisness can function with employees.
Reminds me of a Cheech & Chong sketch:
Interrogator: Sign ze papers! (THWACK!!)
Prisoner: OWWWWWWW...........I can't sign the papers........
Interrogator: I said SIGN ZE PAPERS!!! (THWACK!!!)
Prisoner: OWWWWWW........I CAN'T sign......ohhhhhhhhh.......
Interrogator: And VY can't you sign ze papers?!?!?
Prisoner: Because you have broken all my fingers.........
I've never had any problems with the staff. They've always been friendly and courteous. I don't see the need for such a silly document.
And it's peer not pier.
looks like they would be more worried about a certain 6th floor nurse on 7pm-7am shift taking home her nurses notes to finish charting with knowledge of her supervisor and house supervisor , both have not done a thing about this
a better solution to the problem is for the staff to write their own code of ethics with the patients in mind, and live up to them. A board of peer review to address the complaints and or reports. UNTIL ALL STAFF UNITE AND FORM THEIR OWN GRIEVANCE BOARD YOU WILL HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE CURRENT SITUATION. Just remember no business can function with employees.
this should read WITHOUT EMPLOYEES
"looks like they would be more worried about a certain 6th floor nurse on 7pm-7am shift taking home her nurses notes to finish charting with knowledge of her supervisor and house supervisor , both have not done a thing about this"
If PRMC would cough up the $$$ for computer charting then this wouldnt be an issue.... And I can't believe that Suzy would allow this to happen...eyes rolling...if she did then she's did it to set up another night shift employee to be fired....
9:10 PM,
Something tells me the Essent powers-that-be would agree they would not function well with employees. lol
Since administration looks at employees more like slaves, drudges, drones, etc., wonder how long it will take before they have 800 copies of the Stepford Employee- smile permanently pasted on, brain free of all cognizant thought except what mush Essent can cram in, all sunshine & puppies, even during Code Blues.
Now I believe common courtesy to patients is necessary, since they are our customers, and we need to treat them was nicely as possible, but to be forced to sign a piece of paper saying we WILL be nice, by Gawd, isn't right.
Somewhere in the depths of Hell, Josef Stalin is smiling......we know Ducky is.
It might interest you to know that an employee committee developed the Standards of Excellence Behaviors (not just nursing standards)
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