The latest figures indicate that Congress should come under whatever health care program that the citizens are being forced into. Is 'forced' the correct term? Possibly not, but there are reservations--from physicians, from health care workers, and from citizens, as well as Congress itself.
What are those reservations?
- Cost
- Ability to keep what some already have.
- Congress being lax in reading the 1000+ pages of the House bill.
- Congress's adamant refusal to come under the provisions of the bill.
- Taxing employer provided health care (didn't they criticize McCain for that proposal?)
- Forcing out the commercial policies.
- Possible federal mandated restricted care (MRIs, CTs, and C-sections are what were touched on. Probably more to come.)
- Exaggeration of the numbers of the uninsured.
- Who is going to pay for it?
- If you are going to limit costs, are you going to enact tort reform (litigation is a major source of medical costs?)
- Limiting treatment to those with terminal YOUR parents, or you.
Fewer applications to medical schools might be fortelling the future. One reason is the overwelming amount of paperwork mandated by the federal government. And you think it'll be less???? We've been depending on FMGs (Foreign Medical Graduates) covering the rural and inter-city areas. What happens to their incentive to stay if the Fed gets involved to this extent?
This healthcare bill has some serious fine print. Obama keeps saying that if you currently have healthcare insurance you don't have to change...BUT the bill states if you change that insurance in any way (add a new dependent, increase or decrease coverage) then you must go to the national plan. The analysts say it's a plan to put insurance companies out of business. Now I'm not a big fan of ins. companies, but they do hire A LOT of people which means more folks out of work!!
The national healthcare plan also says that a young healthy person must pay the same amount as an older person with many health problems. Which is a plus for the senior citizens but not for younger folks who will pay a lot more for the health plan---mmm maybe they'll refuse to buy it like many folks refuse to buy ins now!!
The National Healthcare plan will act as an HMO: deciding which doctors you may see and which tests you may have. Doesn't that sound delightful?!
Obama has already said that healthcare workers will have to take a cut in pay to make this work. I have already heard many workers say they will find work elsewhere if they can't receive proper pay. In Britain and Canada nurses are paid minimum wage. The ones that want to be a nurse come to America to do so. Which means the only folks left at hospitals and clinics are the rejects that can't find work anywhere else.
I want people who need insurance to have it, but not at the cost the bill will demand. It's not just the money, which is WAY too much, but our freedom to choose and the quality of our healthcare at stake!!
80/20 rule?
"I received an email dealing with pg 425 of the House's version of the administration's health care bill. Attached was a comment aluding to care being cut off for elderly patients. That wouldn't be quite true, but the advisors to the President might wish it so...and I found the reason the commenter brought it up. Go to this site. This deals with the "Who" as in "Who controls health care?""
frank, could you repost the link to that site? i couldn't get it to click through.
Too important to take the time to read....
Sounds like the stimulus, and we had how many earmarks attached to it?
But, this one doesn't just spend, it controls the who, what, and where of health care.
I received an email dealing with pg 425 of the House's version of the administration's health care bill. Attached was a comment aluding to care being cut off for elderly patients. That wouldn't be quite true, but the advisors to the President might wish it so...and I found the reason the commenter brought it up. Go to this site. This deals with the "Who" as in "Who controls health care?"
Do you know???
Here is a link to the health care bill. Get out your reading glasses.
A partial comment that is somewhat appropriate:
"...I'm waiting for Charlton Heston to poke his head out of the grave and yell, "Soylent Green is People!...""
Yes, healthcare for the elderly will be seriously limited. Tests and surgeries deemed too expensive will not be allowed.
Can euthanasia clinics be far behind?
And yes one congressman did state that the healtcare bill was too long to read and he didn't need to read it anyway. Now I ask you, if someone handed you contract filled with fine print and clauses would you just sign it? Or would insist on reading it and having your lawyer read it too before you signed it? Yet that is what Obama is asking congress to do. Sign it into law without knowing what's in it. Obama has even admitted he hasn't read the damn thing. Who's driving the bus??
I urge everyone to email their congressmen and senators while they are on recess. Let them know this healthcare bill is not what you want!!!
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