Some people only read the posts--a mistake on their parts. I can kick a topic to life, but the people that are living it may have several different viewpoints on the subject matter. These were generated by the last post:
Tell Todd/Matt that if the blog has lost steam it's because some people are afraid to post lest they lose their jobs. The lawsuit has done more to damage Frank's rep and his business than the other way around!I know what he means...fear is always a factor....
Todd/Matt/whoever this guy is writes (most likely on his company's time):When it comes down to it, they are just trying to blanket all possiblities with the 1-10 thing. Even if it's determined that my comments were not libelous, they can say that the only way to find the 2-10 is through my account. Were it true, that would be one thing. Now, even with the settings set to forward, blogger doesn't and I haven't even a clue when comments are made.
I only check your blog every few weeks anymore.....You have run out of steam, bro'. Looks like despite your best efforts you have been singularly unsuccessful in bringing Essent to its knees.
This may be a good response in your court haven't caused a whit of damages, so why the h@#$ are they wasting their time and money suing you? "
Do your homework, Toddster- had you read some of the posts and did a little homweork (in between playing solitaire and tetris on your company's computer), you would have read this company is awash in red ink. From a heavily profitable year (50 grand- woofreakinhoo) to the 4.5 million loss recent reported.
Essent doesn't need Frank's help in FUBARing its facilities, swallowing up all that investment money. They're doing just fine all by themselves. All this humble blog is doing is reporting the truth, which in itself is a dangerous weapon. THAT is what Essent has their shorts in a wad over- people are paying attention to the man behind the curtain, and not the smoke-and-mirrors display run by Dud, dick and Duckboy.
Actually, I must give Essent a little credit- they're the perfect model of how NOT to run an allegedly for-profit company.
-The poster NOT known as Frank a/k/a John Doe number any
"According to the latest American Hospital Directory (AHD.COM)data, when you add up the fiscal performance of all Essent hospitals for fiscal 2007, the company lost $4.5 million. Contrast that to fiscal 2006 when the combined operating profit was $And, finally:55,000. How long are these idiots going to be able to keep their jobs with losses like these?"
Waitaminit...........this is a for-profit chain, right? Supposed to make some money, right? If I were pouring millions of dollars into a corporation, I'd expect them to make a little money, right?
This ain't a for-profit anything- it's a massive tax write-off, a money pit. Pouring good money after bad is not what I call a sound investment.
Matt/Todd/whatever the h___ his name is this week mocks this blog for "not bringing Essent to its knees". I'd say Essent and it's carload of circus clowns are doing a nice job of wrecking this company all by itself- what could this little ol' blog from Texas do, other than report on the train wreck taking place in Nashville, Paris, Ayer, Sharon and SW Pennsylvania.
Seems not much different than when the big miningSo, you see, the posts aren't the fun part: the reactions are. You have to click a few times, but it's all there.companies ran the towns and the company store. Essent may be hoping that the Judge forgot that era, and the laws that prevent slavery....
As I understand it, PRMC has just had another Employee Satisfaction Survey. Will be interested in seeing if the employees lied to save their jobs or told it like it is....
I've always been against unions, but I swear the way the PRMC folks are treated, they NEED a union and badly!
Last week Nashoba Valley Medical Center set a new record for their inpatient census. There was a grand total of FOUR INPATIENTS. Yes, I said FOUR INPATIENTS. Essent should start thinking about changing from a FOR PROFIT status to NON-PROFIT status. Staff continues to be sent home daily and there aren't many elderlys still chosing NVMC for their healthcare needs. The next generation knows to stay clear of NVMC and travel another 20 minutes to the next facility.
How can you call a corporation "for-profit" when they are clearly not making one? Who is benefiting from this money pit? Surely not the employees of the hospitals, the physicians, and the towns they allegedly serve. Essent's only hope for increased revenue is evev higher gas prices, making it too cost-prohibitive to drive elsewhere.
The only folks cheering on the higher prices for oil are certain executives in the oil companies, the board of OPEC, several tinhorn dictators who have lots of oil, and of course Essent's board of directors and hospital administrators.
Now there's a scary bunch........
Employee satisfaction survey......yeah, riiiiighhtt.......wonder if it was mandatory for all employees? Something tells me that this survey is gonna be so skewed because of false data given by employees that it'll be worthless. Who wants to be so stupid as to say things stink & need change? That's like a chicken volunteering to have its neck wrung for Sunday dinner.
Remember what Benjamin Disraeli said:
"There are three types of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics".
I wonder how much precious money the hospital knocked off the bill of the cardio-bypass patient that wrote today's letter to the editor? It was almost as if a PR hack got a hold of this man and his wife, providing them a sample letter appearing to come from a God-fearing local.
Yep, I AM PRMC....yada, yada, yada....
I'm not PRMC anymore... Thank god. I love my job now :)
Last year at MVH out of 660 + employees only 18% of the employees took the employee satisfaction survey. The other 82% elected not to take the survey out of fear.
I WAS McCuistion, and I even like those who were St. Joseph. While we may have been rivals, we were allies in the backchannels, helping each other out when needed (one good turn deserves another, and all that). The merger put an end to that, and sadly came up with a money-losing proposition with employees who resented the merger.
No doubt that merger was inevitable, but Christus botched it. Essent is doing no better- actually,is doing worse.
I used to poke fun at Catholic hospitals and their alleged "Spanish Inquisition" mentality- that is, until Essent slunk into town. Now that I've seen the ugly face of corporate America, I can't say that I like it.
This old McCuistion hand is glad he now works for a hospital that's not only a non-profit, but is operating in the black, have a busy ER, a clean facility, employees who actually care about their jobs, and is making changes for the future.
There is life after Essent, and outside of Essent. There are also hospitals who actually serve the people and their employees in a favorable way without all the intrigue and BSspeak.
Wish I could say that against Essent.......
There is life after Essent, and outside of Essent. The best decision I made was to leave Essent. There are hospitals who actually serve the people and their employees in a favorable way Unfortuately Essent missions is "treat the employees like dirty and feed them bs".
Most of the PRMC employees care about their jobs, but they know that management doesn't give a hoot about them.
Most of the PRMC employees care about their jobs, but they know that management doesn't give a hoot about them.
My department director (which,technically, is part of management) DID give a rip about the employees under his supervision, but was hobbled by the policies set down by Essent. No wonder his health gave out on him.
As to the folks above him? Yes, from Monty on down, they were concerned mainly with CYA management and following policies that even Dilbert's pointy-headed boss would consider asinine.
Didn't change under Dickie or Duckboy, either, but they are/were corporate stooges.
I now work for a hospital that's not only a non-profit, but is operating in the black. Employees who actually care about their jobs, and is making changes for the future.
There is life after Essent, and outside of Essent. There are also hospitals who actually serve the people and their employees in a favorable way without all the intrigue and BSspeak. I to left Essent HealthCare and it was the best decision I made. I can sleep at night knowing that patients are being taken care of properly and ethically.
Wish I could say that against Essent.......
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