Another heads-up from the radiology crew.
Yo, Frank,Nice to know we’re appreciated! I've gotten comments from all over the state, as well as all over the country. In some Google searches, we're hitting the first and second results!
Just wanted to give you the update on the new PACs system that E$$ent was so impressed with: apparently with over five users on it, it dumps and no one can see anything. Considering they have eight possible stations, that can be a problem.
Dr. Hobbs in his calm, unflappable fashion, said that it was not acceptable, after resetting multiple times the other night. This could be called the 'million-dollar muddle'.The system was promoted by the manufacturer as being primarily for clinic use, and apparently they were right...or is it just the PACs administration??? Just call him "Crash".
Looks like Dr. Fish is on the road again. Got the heads up that he and another doc had a significant disagreement--leading to his dismissal. They've really got to get that under control.However, there might be additional turnovers in Radiology foretold by a recent recruiting trip made by Frau Blucher (the Bit#h of Buchanwald), and two of the newbies. With multiple hires already in the pipeline, and a graduating class in December, it may not be who's being hired, it's who's being fired.
But the word is spreading, I was talking with a couple techs last week from ETMC and a hospital up in Arkansas, and they had heard about this place...and the blog.
So the "Fish" shows his true colors? It's just a matter of time with the majority of these "locums" folks. There's a reason they travel all over the country job hopping. They're either running from something/someone, have a personality disfunction, or are incompetent in their specialty of medicine (often a combination of all), making them non partnership material. Remember, C=MD (even below average/dysfunctional people can squeak through medical school). We seem to have more than our share of these in our community!
It is NOT surprising that Essents tactics and failures have been noticed near and far. After all, in the medical communities, reputations do precede employees and employers alike. Not to mention that the agency folks have probably added their two cents worth to the information pipeline as well. Seems as though the imposed constraints regarding communication and opinion, seasoned with those strong verbal threats weren't as controlling as some Administratiors and Directors would've liked. Power is such a nasty little mistress after all, and she usually winds up planting a well earned foot in either that oral or anal cavity as well! Could this be why recruitment of Xray Techs outside of the Paris community is such a necessity? Yep, those grads are gonna be pretty green, so the tattered remnants of experience and expertise will finally be eliminated. Wonder who the sacrificial goats to Essents greed are going to be?
Let's see, PowerScribe is a marginal at best product, PACs is about at the same level (since they cheaped it with low-power workstations and a non-dedicated server), and they can't even keep support with the MIS melt-down.
That's why your doc can't get his xray reports, between PowerScribe and the AMICAS PACs being down!
It works! Try Googling Essent Connery 2006, Essent oppression 2006,essent nurse 2006, "essent healthcare" pissed, essent paris moral, and last, but certainly the most telling: essent employee bend over.
Try this one:AMICAS PACs paris essent! Just what they want for advertising!
Perhaps we should rename the about Mediocrity?!?! Definitely Eureka is out.......oops, that's Essent's name for us!
It seems the "Fish" and the "King" had a problem. Now the "King" is the only radiologist left, and she refuses to read anything but plain films... everything else, CT's, MRI's, Ultrasound, and Nucs is being shipped out and read by a "doc in the box." That should be a great step forward for healthcare in the community. Not to mention that there's nobody left in the hospital to do interventional procedures!
I'm sure glad that the Paris Imaging Center is now open on the loop!
Ahh, so much for the days of qualified, multi-faceted radiologists...when you could come down and discuss procedures...or expect them to get done. So much for the lp, or thoro, or CT guided anything...but, yes, there is a place...just around the loop....
When a hospital, even two hospitals in one, haven't even lined up permanent staff that can find their way through multiple modalities in this length of time.... Something is very wrong!
It would seem like the boyz bailed out of an untenable situation--that no one else as qualified would take.
Well, the hospital got their wish...the group is gone, so what have they got that's better? They got bupkis! Spelled K-I-N-G....
This isn't where I would have put this normally (Casa Rio Rojo would have been my choice), but since it's timely, thought it might fit in here.
Just attended the open house for the Paris Imaging Center. It is "suite". It could have been lifted from a Plano physician's practice. My compliments to the designer and builder, which I gave in person.
I talked to Jay Grizzle, and he said that special procedures were picking up since the hospital had gotten out of the business. I told him that he and Billy Parkhill ought to take their show on the road to some of the smaller hospitals that didn't do interventional studies in radiology (like PRMC, now).
The equipment was great--the 16-slice CT and MRI layout was well thought out, the male and female waiting areas a big plus, sono was good, and they have room for expansion. They did it right, and it looks like it is going to be well used....
The only compliment that seems fitting: Doug and Harry would have loved it.
One thing that I was curious about: Since Dr. King doesn't read the CT, MRI, and Nuc Med studies, and they are sent over telerad for reading, how is it known that the radiologist that reads the exam is licensed to practice in Texas?
Might be worth cross-checking the report signatures with the Texas State Board's list, not that the hospital would ever try to pull a fast one....
Who is Doug and Harry?
Doug Jordan and Harry Furburg were radiologists with RR some years back. Doug was a partner and Harry an associate, but both were the type of people that your mother wanted you to be when you grew up. It was an honor to know them both.
I'm suprised that no one else piped up, but Frank, I've got something good that is in the rumor stage.... Check your email.
If life is so bad in the radiology department why don't you take your issues to administration? Or just quit and get a new job? There seems to be an abundance of people willing to complain and post messages but why don't any of you try to fix things? Even if it would be hard to do.
Here is one that has not read this blog.
"And another one bites the dust!" I hear that Frau von Mock has resigned!!!!!! And her gay boss may not be far behind. Things may also not be looking so good for his partner/PACS administrator.
Every house built on a deck of cards will eventually tumble...
That light at the end of the tunnel may be a freight train!
Gee, wonder which administrator and director will take over radiology...facilities, maybe? They could probably do as good, if not better job....
But, unless Bev was 'asked' to resign on the moment (wonder if she had an Aerofit membership, maybe they let her know in advance) she probably had a backup--either another hospital (feel for the techs) or the PJC radiology program directorship--since PJC hasn't put in on a timely basis for a clinical site at Greenville/Commerce, it's probably that.
Re: 1:39,
Exactly what does the boss being gay have to do with anything?
Bev (AKA, Beva Braun, AKA B@#$% of Buchenwald,AKA Frau Blucher was given the choice to either resign Friday after the Radiology Staff meeting, or get fired. Apparently she chose resigning and was released that same day. AH GEE TOO BAD! Yep, sometimes your actions do really come back to bite you in the derriere. Couldn't have happened to a nicer person. And perhaps, all of her bad PR on the website and talk around town helped with her removal, wouldn't have had anything to do with her abilities as "Frau Director". Next question is the who or what will have the "helm" of Radiology? Could get worse, could get better. Notice Brice and pal are headed to Conneticut to explore employment opportunites there. So this leaves a totally devastated Xray department with on Mr. Neal at the helm. Interestinger and interestinger!
To the 10:24PM post
It is obvious you are extremely well informed. Perhaps you should peruse past posts on this blog prior to chewing on your toes.
Let me think--Director gone, Administrator going, PACs administrator going, temps abound, no permanent radiology group, PACs system marginal, Powerscribe pitiful, no this a radiology department, or a train wreck????
Generally radiology provides a good portion of the income of a hospital, and it's in the hands of Wayne Neal?
...this is the facility that physicians are being pressured by the hospital to use, rather than Paris Imaging?
Heaven help the patients.
...then again, patients have the right to ask for their exam to be done where they want it to be done, and Paris Imaging does a better job, at a lower price....
Shameless advertising for the mere price of shrimp....
Another concern regarding Frau Blucher's demise, seems that she was in charge of overseeing the PJC Rad Tech's clinicals...........seems she hasn't attended those classes for eight days or so. Students, naturally, are very concerned, know I would be after 1 1/2 years of school and then Blucher folding like wet bread. Hopefully PJC will rectify that problem, and quickly.
When I heard the news about Bev, I did a very loud and exuberant happy dance in my living room! Then sanity returned, and realized, the "scapegoat" convenience this provides for upper Admin, all evils can be assessed to this person's position, without confessing that Admin probably directed Bev to do so. Xray is in the lurch for leadership........AGAIN, and no one knows how badly the next individuals competency will be. So with that having been said, enjoy the moment, celebrate Bev's demise, and pray earnestly that the next person will salvage this decimated department!
Ding Dong the Witch is Dead! Which old witch? The wicked witch! She's gone, she's gone, she gone! Sing it high, sing it low, THE WICKED WITCH IS DEAD!!!
Proof that God exists. Yes. Well I doubt that Frau Blucher will have her PJC job to fall back on either...according to the students she has missed the last 8 clinical labs she supposedly teaches leaving the poor students wondering if they have wasted a year and half.
As for the "gay lover" remark, yeah, it probably was a cheap shot, but let me tell you the reasons why "the happy couple" are not liked in xray:
1. The PACs Admin job was never posted. Therefore qualified techs already working at PRMC were not allowed to apply for it. Nor were qualified persons outside of PRMC allowed to apply for it.
2. The one who got the job had never worked in a radiology dept before in his life. He couldn't tell the difference between a chest x-ray and a kumquat.
3. Said person had stated from get go he was only here in Paris temporarily. Which is true as he will be leaving in 3 wks after PRMC paid to send him to special PACs classes.
4. Said person had been working at PRMC for less than 6 months. This is in the Policies and Procedures--sorry don't have it in front of me so I cannot quote accurately--any way 6 months ain't long enough.
5. Said person is lover of dept boss. If that's not "officially" nepotism, it should be.
All that negativity aside, I do not dislike either of the couple nor do I care about or condemn their lifestyle. It's because of the five reasons above that a lot of folks do resent them and I have to admit it galls me as well. We can only hope that whomever is found to replace Frau Blucher and The Odd Couple that they will not be worse. I'm not sure you can get worse than Bev...but we'll see!
Alas, poor Wayne. Good thing he looks good on a billboard. Right now, it's all he has going for him!!
Random thoughts on a passing parade and the idiots who think they know how to operate a hospital.
The posting at 2:27 musing whether the ex-chief of mayhem may be taking the job at PJC; that's very unlikely. First, one must posess a Masters degree in some subject. In her case, probably butter sculpturing or finger painting.
When she was hired, her resume (a poor work of fiction at best) was passed around the department, as was other people's who were applying for the position. I seem to remember she had an AA but was working hard on her BS (succeeded at that level)in public relations!
I suppose she may have obtained her degree, but, so what? Still needs a Masters......and a brain. Perhaps the Wizard of Oz could help in that department.
Actually, I'm going to miss Frau Hitler with her fake, bouncy, cheery persona, fake southern accent, telling everybody within ear shot how all the techs were really appreciated and how she would personally see them cross trained in other areas of radiology so they would be better and more valuable assets to the Community and hospital..........Need I say more?
How about dangling new titles and jobs before the eyes of her seasoned employees, such as teaching positions at the college, PACS administrator or other jobs? We all know how that turned out.
I know of one former employee who went to RSNA the fist year Frau Hitler was at the helm. This employee took their own PTO, paid all their own expenses and was told by Frau Hitler to check out the PACS and new technology and report back. This was the same time that Frau Hitler and her mentor, JR, went to the same convention.
My source tells me, they were NEVER seen. What's more, after returning to Paris, my source compiled a 37 detailed report on PACS and emerging technologies, just for Frau Hitler.
Never once did she ask for the report OR offer to reimburse my source for expenses! Some class.
Now, because I have been out of town for awhile, maybe someone can bring me up to date on a few things:
1. RR is history and the only radiologist working at the hospital won't read anything but plain films. Really?
2. The rest of the exams; CT,US, Nuc Med, etc. are read by Blackhawk or somebody else? Really?
3. Questions are out there if the other rads reading films are licensed in TX? Na, of course they MUST be. E$$ent wouldn't have a rad from Bolivia or some other third world read OUR stuff, would they? NEVER!
Actually, I hear that Bev is campaigning hard to get a permanent job at fact she is schmoozing and oozing the PJC BOD and going over the head the person who is supposed to be hiring the teaching staff for the RT program. And you do not have to have a MS/MA to teach at a PJC. We're in Paris, remember? In the real world you might actually need proper credentials to teach or have a managerial job, but not here. In Paris it's who you know, who you sleep with, whose palm you're greasing or who you’re brown-nosing that will get you the job. Bev definitely has a PhD in all those skills!
Guess "Bice and buddy" are headed for Sharon Hospital. Someone said it was the only state that they could get married in...
I don't know, I don't keep up, but I hope they'll be very happy...away from here. Could you please take E$$ent with you?
Essent certainly went off course when they did a corporate buy of AMICAS, suprising, since the author of Digital Medicine: Implications for Healthcare Leaders, Jeff Goldsmith, Ph.D. is on their board. But, then again, I forgot, they know everything....
Did I mention that I shot a blurb to Medicare about the readings? I heard that someone else sent one on non-certed techs doing vascular exams.
Could get interesting, since there is a bill coming up reducing medicare payouts based on costs and severity, not DRGs. Estimates of reductions in payouts up to 20-30%.
Another major crash for the PACS, this time for about a day, with numerous xrays lost of ER patients. How does the liability stack up on that???
The one person that was trained on(but not necessarily qualified on) the PACS is leaving soon. But don't you worry your head..., whoops, wrong director.... Anyway, the new PACS manager graduated last year from xray school. Fresh viewpoint? Downtime, anyone?
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